Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Dhaamsa Bara Haaraa - 2009 Hayyu Duree Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo Irraa

Dhaamsa Bara Haaraa - 2009
Hayyu Duree Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo Irraa

Bara 2008 xumurree kunoo isa haaraa, 2009 keessummeessuufi deemnna. Ummata Oromoo fi miseensota Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO) hundaan bakka jirtanitti maqaa ABOn baga bara haaraa 2009 geessan jedha. Barri haaraan itti deemnu kan milkii fi injifannoo saba keenyaaf akka tahus hawwiin qabun ibsa.Dubbisaa

Monday, December 29, 2008

End of the road for Yusuf and Wayaane soldiers

Somali President Yusuf resigns
By Mohamed Ahmed BAIDOA, Somalia (Reuters) - Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf resigned on Monday and blamed the international community for failing to support the interim government in the Horn of Africa nation.
Somali President Ahmed resigns AFP
Somali President resigns, hands over presidency to Speaker People's Daily Online

By Mohamed Ahmed

BAIDOA, Somalia (Reuters) - Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf resigned on Monday and blamed the international community for failing to support the interim government in the Horn of Africa nation.

Yusuf told parliament that speaker Sheikh Aden Madobe would take over his duties and left for the airport. It was not clear where he was going.

"As I promised when you elected me on October 14, 2004, I would stand down if I failed to fulfill my duty, I have decided to return the responsibility you gave me," Yusuf said.

"Most of the country was not in our hands and we had nothing to give our soldiers. The international community has also failed to help us," Yusuf told legislators in Baidoa, Somalia's seat of parliament.

The president of Somalia's fractured, Western-backed government had become increasingly unpopular at home and abroad and was blamed by Washington, Europe and African neighbors for stalling a U.N.-hosted peace process.

Diplomats in the region are likely to welcome Yusuf's decision. They have said it would provide an opportunity to form a new, broad-based government in Somalia and get the peace process back on track.

Some analysts, however, fear it could open a potentially violent period of political limbo, with feuding camps reviving clan militias in a power struggle -- at the same time an Islamist insurgency is camped on the outskirts of the capital.

Soldiers from neighboring Ethiopia have been propping up the government for the past two years, but there only some 3,000 soldiers left and Addis Ababa says they will leave soon.

The insurgency already controls most of southern Somalia outside the capital Mogadishu and Baidoa and analysts expect them to seize the rest when the Ethiopian troops pack up.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Waamicha Qabsoo Bilisummaa Oromoo Jabeessuu

Guyyaa (Date): Muddee 11, 2008 Lakko. (No.): 1208/ABO/05
Waamicha Qabsoo Bilisummaa Oromoo Jabeessuu
Abba tokkootaa Miseensota ABO Turan fi Murnootaa Maqaa ABOn Sosso’an Hundaaf
Oromiyaan erga qabamtee ka’ee yeroo ummati see diina ofirraa hin facisin darbe hin jiru.
Haatahu malee qabsoon saa kan wal hin hammanne waan tureef milkaawuu hin dandeenye.
ABOn erga dhabatee kurnanoota afur lakaawataa jira. Baroota lakkaawwate kana keessa
rakkinaa fi ballina hedduu keessa darbee. Haa tahu malee hanga 1991 qabsoo hadhaawaan
maqicha fi tokkummaa qabsaawota wayyabaa tursuun dandahameera. Injifannoon hin
tuffatamnes galmeefamee ture.
Haalli 1991 dhalate tolaas hamas akka fide ni beekama. Tolaan saa yero itt ummata keenya
hundaan walbarru fi bobbaa keenya ballifannu argachuu dha. Hamaan dhufe tokko diinaan
dagamuu yagguu ta’u inni lammaffaan keessa deebinee of qoruu irratt xiyyeeffacchu
dandhabuu dha. Shira diinaa osoo xiinxallee dhugaa fi soba walii maqfannee irratt wal hin
qeeqin hafuun keenya tokkummaa qabsaa’otaa balaa ammaa inni keessa jiruuf saaxile. Sun
yeroo amma hammaatee fi bal’atee waan jiruf yoo hatattamaan furmaati itt hin tolfamne kan
ijaaraa turre hunda diigee biyya keenya gadadoo jalatt hambisuu dandaha. Kaayyoon keenya
bilisummaa fi ofiinbulmata Oromiyaati jennee kaane. Haatahu malee, akkaataa tokkoo tokkoon
keenya hojii itti gaggeeffannu fi dhimma keenya fira fi alagaatti himannu waliin jiraachuu
keenya shakkii jala buusee hanga gargar bahuutti nu geessee jira.
Guutuu isaa Dubbisaa

Waamicha QBO Jabeessuu
Source: ABO

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Shane Qinijjit is undermining OLF

News of Abbabiya Abbaa Jobir's return to Ethiopia hit the Oromo Diaspora with a mixture of astonishment, surprise or as an expected event.

Abbabiya returned to Ethiopia following a peace negotiation/mediation in The.

As the notions of peace and democracy are taking the dominance in the world politics, the armed struggle of the OLF is both outdated and of no use, Abbabiya Abba Jobir said.Read more

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Abbabiya Abba Jobir Returns to Ethiopia; Leenco Lata & Dima Nego to follow soon?