Saturday, January 30, 2010

Olola Diinaatiin Abdi hin kutatinaa

Oromo language conference in Finfinne

Obbo Debela Amante, a linguistics PhD student at the University of Oslo, is planning an academic conference on the Oromo language to take place in Addis Ababa later this year.

Photo: Royal Norwegian Embassy in Addis AbabaDebela Goshu Amante. Photo: Royal Norwegian Embassy in Addis Ababa
Escaping the Norwegian winter for a while, Debela Amante is back in his native Ethiopia doing fieldwork for his dissertation on “The Semantics of Omoro Adpositions”, as well as lecturing at the University of Addis Ababa and preparing an academic conference on the Oromo language. He takes time to share his vision with the Norwegian Embassy.

The Oromo language, spoken by about one third of Ethiopians as well as in parts of Kenya and Somalia, was introduced as formal language of instruction in Ethiopia in 1991. However, Mr. Amante notes that there is as of yet no standardised written form of the Oromo language and that Oromo researchers in Europe and North America are not well connected with researchers in Ethiopia. To remedy this he and his colleagues are planning an Oromo language conference to be organised in Addis Ababa in the second half of 2010. In the longer term, Debele Amante hopes to see an Oromo language academy established.

Mr. Amante encourages anyone interested in more information to contact him (click here for contact details).

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Gantuudha mannaa Shimala koo gaarii Wayya

Gantuu Liichoo Bukuraa fi kittilayyota isaa

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oromo: from Self-Deception via Self-Adminstration to Self-Determination

Fayyis Oromia

Few days back, one “breaking news” from Oromia came out telling the world that the beginning of 2010 is “the end for the armed struggle of the Oromo liberation movement, i.e. the OLF is almost dead.” Is this fact or fancy? Are the news makers deceiving themselves or are they devoid of the sense for reality? Did the consumers of the news fall into the trap of buying the reason for the merrymaking in the Weyane camp in the last few days? Here, I do try to show how almost all stakeholders are living in self-deception as far as the Oromo liberation movement is concerned. I think the following groups do live under such self-made “reality” about Oromo, Oromia and the Oromo liberation struggle: read more
Oromo Times

Sagantaa Addaa Amajjii 2010 : Gantoota Maqaa ABOn Daldalaa Turaniifi Daldalaa Jiran Kaleessa fii Har'a

Gantoota 2010 kutaa lammaffaa Amajjii 25, 2010 Maxxanfame >> Daawwadhu/Watch

Fuula Kolonoomaa Haara

Bara Walharkati qaba Afrikaa dhuma jaarraa 19ffaa n lafa keenya dhabne, gidiraa fi salphina kana hin jedhamneen mankaraarfamne. Sun tahus osoo ofirraa hin faccisin akka hawwa diina keenyaa himannaa konkaa mirkanii hin qabne “lafa saa harkaa baasnaan jireenyi Oromo ni dhumataaf” jedhuu hin taane. Sun hundi tahe Oromummaan seenaa barasii irra baraaramuun, eenyummaan Oromoon hin tuqamin gilgila bahe. Akkuma yeroo amma kana anjaa yoo hin qabaannellee haalicha fuggisiisuuf jara hedhannoo nurra olhaanaa qaban waliin qabsoo hin irraanfatamne goone. Sun jalqaba kolonummaa kan bowwuu jaarraa tokkoo duuba rimsama sobaa “baaqulessaa” kan jedhamu waliin dhufuu jiru farrisa ture. Wanti tokkoo garuu kan darbeen more

ABOn diina ofitti damaqsaa jira

Yero ABOn waa falachuu jalqabu farri sochii saa akka alaa itti aggaamamu muxannoon hubatameera. Gocha Oromoo hobbaatii tolaa fidu hunda hankaaksuuf faallaan sochii hammi dandahamu hundi gad dhiifama. Dheheenya waa’een murnooti ABO dhaaba saanii dhinsuu fi jabeesuuf waliti dhufuu hedduu dubbatamaa ture. Osoo hin turin WBOn kibbaa ficiluun himame. Gaaffiin saanii akka ABOn tokkomuu yoo tahu, isaan dhaaba tokkichaaf malee akka hin sarmine labsan. Yeroo dubbiin akka isaan yaadaniti deemuu didu ficiltuu keessaa hangi tokkoo gananii loltuu Tigrayiti harka kennachuun himame...guutuu isa dubbisuuf

OLF is awaking its Enemies

From experience there are external counter movements whenever OLF internally shows a tendency towards salvation. All possible contra movements are released to sabotage any positive outcome from Oromo actions. Recently much was talked about groups in the OLF coming together to heal past organizational wounds and strengthen it in unison. No sooner was it heard that there is a mutiny in OLA of Southern zone. They demanded for unity of OLF and declared that they will not obey any individual group. When it seemed things are not going as planned a segment from the mutineers defected to the Tigrian army. The core individuals involved were persons who exited the scene before their entrance made any impression on the struggle. On the other hand, they became propaganda chips for the enemy. The TPLF suspects that all Oromo including some conscientious in the Ethiopianist Oromo camps are OLF deep inside. That is why thousand innocent Oromo are in prison. Thousands were killed and thousands are in forced exile. Unknown numbers are dislocated internally. Even Oromo members of the OPDO are subjected to constant reevaluation and are discarded if their loyalty is found not to be absolute. From statements the defectors gave to enemy media one can notice that those people neither know this truth nor understand the essence of Oromo liberation struggle. Oromo liberation movement is not concerned with individual success or failures, be them leaders or followers, but with the sprit and aspirations of the people, with its kaayyoo. Individuals come and go but the task of liberating the nation requires the determination of the brave descendents of the Abbaa Gadaas. Cowards with shallow intellect fail to understand this. They don’t think with their brains but their bellies that is why they have no honor to protect but the urge to fill their bellies. Those that are neck deep into alien values and those that do not take what it means to lose independence as a people into consideration in their methods of system analysis also cannot understand. For all problems they come out with their globalization yardsticks to intimidate liberation fighters.Full Article (

Saturday, January 16, 2010

OLF and Oromo – Time Has Come: Unity Now or Never

( – Oromsis)

Whether this grim news is the end or a new beginning in Oromo struggle for self-determination will depend on what corrective action that will be taken. In the meantime, the writer most sincerely hopes, the other factions will not welcome the developments as good news to only legitimize their brand of OLF. I urge all parties to drop the “I told you so” attitude and grasp the moment for a coalition of all Oromos, including freedom fighters and Oromo Liberation organizations to emerge. It is also high time for the general public and supporters of the OLF to cease banking on false hope and come forward to face an uncomfortable reality.

As such, the surrender of Oromo fighters, large or small, may be a temporary deterrence, not by any means a permanent setback. So long as the legitimate Oromo quest for peace, justice and equality doesn’t get an appropriate answer, the struggle against an unjust system will continue. It may take many forms; this year may not be ours – slowly, but surely, my people, freedom and justice will be won.

Full Story ( – Oromsis)

Gantuu Wayyaaneeti harkka kennate

ETV | Personnel Desert from the OLF-Led Oromo People's Struggle

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