Friday, December 17, 2010

OLF Letter to the President of Kenya


Date: 07/12/2010

His Excellency The Honourable Mwai Kibaki, C.G.H., M.P.

President of the Republic of Kenya

Office of the President

Harambee House

Harambee Avenue

P.O.Box 62345 - 00200



Your Excellency,

We the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) are alarmed to learn the recent full-fledged military campaign by Kenyan armed forces against our organisation. We are particularly concerned that Kenyan forces joined the occupying Ethiopian forces fighting against the OLF.

Whilst we recognise that Kenya has the right to enforce peace and security within its territory, we are unable to understand the reasons why Kenyan armed forces are engaged in a military campaign against our forces. Although Kenyan authorities have been repeatedly quoted by the media, saying the objective of their military campaign is “flashing the OLF from the country�, as a justification for their aggression against us, we would like to reassure you that we have no bases on Kenyan soil and fully respect the territorial integrity of Kenya.

We believe that military confrontation between Kenya and the OLF is not in the best interest of either of our countries. In fact, the actions of the Kenyan forces are uncalled for and can destabilise the region that is already troubled by a number of long standing conflicts. We do not understand why Kenya should involve itself in the struggle between Oromia and Ethiopia and we hope that this is not your policy. We hope that your government will respect the rights of the Oromo people to free themselves from the brutal Ethiopian colonial system. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which your country is a signatory, reaffirms the right to self-determination.

The peoples of Oromia and Kenya share a longstanding cordial relationship. In particular, Kenya, as a democratic and stable country, continues providing safety for a significant number of Oromo refugees fleeing from persecution by the Ethiopian state. However, we are also gravely concerned that recently a large number of Oromo refugees have been handed over to the Ethiopian authorities by the Kenyan authorities. These refugees are sent back to inhumane torture and certain death in the hands of the Ethiopian security agents.

We believe Kenya could play a positive and constructive role in supporting a peaceful resolution of the conflict between Oromia and Ethiopia and that would make Kenya a legitimate player in the international arena.

We respectfully urge you to appraise the situation and reconsider your policy and assure supporting the just cause of the oppressed Oromo people rather than assisting the bloodthirsty regime in Ethiopia.

Yours respectfully,

Mulugeta Mosissa

Mulugeta Mosissa

Head of Diplomatic Division of the OLF

cc: Hon. Raila Amollo Odinga, E.G.H., M.P. Prime Minster of the Republic of Kenya

P.O.Box 21762, Washington DC, 20009, USA Tel: (202)-521-5653 E-mail:

Monday, November 15, 2010

Ethiopia rebels say killed 267 soldiers, govt denies

* Rebels in potential oil/gas region claim 34 attacks

* Government calls ONLF statement "outright lies"

By Barry Malone

ADDIS ABABA, Nov 9 (Reuters) - An Ethiopian rebel group said on Tuesday it had killed 267 soldiers since the beginning of October, in its first such claim since the government signed a peace deal with one its factions last month.

The Ethiopian government denied the claim.

The Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) wants more autonomy for the country's mainly ethnic-Somali Ogaden region and has warned foreign companies exploring for oil and gas to stay away or face attack.

Firms, including Petronas [PETR.UL] and Vancouver-based Africa Oil Corporation (AOI.V: Quote), are working in the Ogaden. Petronas has asked for government approval of a deal to sell all its oil and gas concessions to locally-owned SouthWest Energy (H.K.) Ltd.

Commercial amounts of oil and gas have not yet been extracted. Continued...

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

South Sudan's quest to be EAC member

The Standard

By David Ochamiin Juba

South Sudan is warming up for the East African Community once the January 9 referendum is concluded.

South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir Mayardiit, who is also Sudan’s First Vice President, told a Kenyan MPs’ delegation to Juba an independent South Sudan would certainly join the East African Community and foster friendly ties with its new neighbours.

Twenty seven MPs, including six assistant ministers and chairmen of the Public Accounts, Public Investment and Education committees of Kenya’s Parliament, are on a fact finding mission of the build-up and preparation for the vote that will determine if the South gains autonomy from Khartoum Government.

They are holding meetings with key officials in the region, including its President and Parliament.

South Sudan’s civil society leaders, spearheading the separatist campaign, said Kenya, which mid-wifed the Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed in Nairobi in 2005 and whose final stage is the referendum, should ensure a free and timely vote.

Assistant Minister Peter Munya said the referendum would offer South Sudanese an opportunity to "reclaim your human dignity" and must "go ahead as agreed without equivocation". Read More

Monday, September 13, 2010

Gamtaan Sabboonota Injifannoo Shafisiisa

Haalli gaanfa Afrikaa keessa jiru, ummata naagatt caalaa hadhaawaa fi bilisummaa sabootaa fi abba tokkeett roorroon hammaata deemaa jira. Sun ta’eellee sabboonoti Oromoo muuxannoo qabsoon qayyabannoo walfakii hin uummannee. Murna adda addaatt qoodamanii hoomaa oofeett dabalamuuf yk kaan caalaa jiga yaafachuuf eeggataa jiru. ABOn erga ijaarame inni lammaffaan hedduu yaalame kantaree hafe. Haa tahu malee jeequmsi ayyaamii hawaasaa irra gahe salphaa hin turre. Sun sirrii akka hin turre carraalee hedduu dhimma hin basin darban irra hubatamuu dandaha. Oromiyaa fi ollooti shee bulcha gurmeesbadin boba’aa jiru.
Keessatu Oromiyaan yoo daftee fala argachuu baate badiisi itt aggaamamaa jiru kan cufaati. Kana keessaa bahuuf gamtaan sabboonotaa hedduu gargaara. Mootummaan amma empayeriti bulchu, irraan dhaadannoo uummataa lallabaa, jalaan samichaa fi balleessaa gara jabina hamtuun oofaa jira. Mootummooti darban lafti hundu gulummaa keenya jedhu. Inni kun akka hin taane beekee waan dandahe hundda cuunfachuuf yaalaa jira. Kanaafi gatii yaraan lafabuttuu garba gamaati gurgurataa kan jiru. Qabeenyi Oromiyaa keessaa bahu deebi’ee Oromiyaaf satoo hin tahu. Darbee abba tokkootaa fi biyya aayyaa bulchootaa gabbisa. Kanaaf Oromiyaan hanqina nyaataa, waldhaansaa, fi qophii barumsaa akka qabataa hin jirre herreguun nama hin dhibu. Rakkina saatiif abbaatu falata.
Lafa buttuun kiisiittoo hin naqattuu fudhattee eessaan geessi; akkuma kanaan dura ni deeffanna jedhama taha. Wanti guddaan inni durii balleesse tokko eeggannoo malee muka jijjigse bakka buusuu hanqachuu dha. Inni kun haddhaa ittiin guggubee dafee taadhessu fudhatee dhufee. Inni duri homisha gara caalu naannaati hambisa. Inni kun garba ceesisuuf qarmiinuu isa hin hafuu. Kanaaf amma agabuun nama fixaa, yeroo deeffatan lafa homaa hin biqilchine qarsaa dhiisee deema jechuu dha. Haddhaan sun fayyaa fi wal horuu nama, horii fi bosona biyya irratis akka dhiibbaa qabu himamaa jira..Ummatis, horiin saanii, lafti, fi margoon saanii hundi maseenuuf deemu jechuu dha.
Yeroon waa’ee biyyatoo yaadu gadadoo hammaa bahaa ummati keenya guyyuu keessa darbuu fi haala kanneen kana teenyee hin laallu jedhanii kakatantu qaabannooti na dhufa. Jannoota jireenya qananiin gaariti jedhanii akka sabi saanii maqaa fi ulfina badde deebisee gonfatu ficilantu dhugaanis abjuunis ijarra na deema. Amma maqaan saanii daldalaf yeroo dhimma itt bahamuu yaalamu dhagahuun gadda guddaa irra nama buusa. Kaan kaanimmoo safuu cabsanii awwaala hin beekamne keessati maqaa saanii xureessuu yaalaniiru. Silaa walitt dabalamani angoo hin uggamne kan ta’an, dantaa adda addaaf du’aa fi jiraati dhimma walitt bahuu hamilatani. Keettolee fi hankaksitootni maqaa gootota keenyaa balleessuun mooraa qabsoo facaasuuf kan isaan hin yaalin hin jiru. Sun akkuma ta’e haa ta’uu, akkamiti martii hamtuu kana keessaa cabsanii ba’uu, mee ofis walis haa gaafatani? Gamtoomuu caalaa falli biraa jira laata?
Nammi hedduun qabsaawoti gargar bahuu malee maaliif akka gargar bahan hin hubatu. Kanaaf heda hin taanerratt hundaawee xumura shaamoo hin qabne irra gaha. Golli malbulchaa kamuu yeroo dhaabbatu akeeka saa fiixaan baasuuf dudhama fi kutannoo qabu kan jedhu hawwata. Sana duuba waan irrati waliigalan lafa kaa’atanii masaka saatiin sosso’uu. Seeri isaan baafatan seera Waaqaa miti; fedha waloon jijjiiramuu dandaha. Kanaaf fedhi waloo kan hogganaa haa tahu kan murnaan bakka hin buufamu. Sun gurmuu baqaqsaa, atooma jeeqaa. ABO irra sanatu gahe. Murnootatu qayyabannoo waloo diige. Sana duuba afaan tokkoo dubbachuu dadhabani. Hunduu qolasaa keessati, miira adda addaa waan guddifateef waliti deebi’uuf garlamee ta’ee mullata.
Erga gargar bahanii meeshaan waliti duulaniiru. Murnaa fi abba tokkeen afaaniin nama madeessaniiru. Garri tokko isa biraa balleessuuf carraaqaniiru. Waliigalati dhama’uu haa ta’uu malee godaanisa hin fayyinee dhiisee darbuu hin oolle. Diinati duuluun afaan duwwaati yoo gadi bu’u, wal balleessuun “diimaa” irra gahee jira. Firummatt hameenyaan dhihaachuun dambii tahee ture. Sun haleellaa suduudaan Oromumma irratt tolfame. Wal danda’uu irra eeboo waliti mirmirsuu filachuun tooftaa hankaaksitootaati. Sana gochuun saba saanii fi gola sadaffaa biratt, dhugaa ta’ee fudhatamuu fi amanamummaa argachuu dhabsiisaa. Deggertootii fi miseensoti amma murnoota gula yaa’an qabsoon karaa irra ce’uu saatiif gaaffii kaasaa jiru. Kaan diinatillee harka kennatan agarree jirra. “Asii fi achi ayyallaa yoo sodaate hin gallaa …” jedhe dargaggeessi. “eeyee hin gallaa, waawuu hin gallu”, gaaffii deebii barbaadutu qabsawota birati hafe. Gidiraa si’ana ummata irra jiruuf abbawummaa qabu.
Qabsicha biyya alati cunqeessuun dirreen biyya jiru ni gatame. Diinni naannoo dhibuun kan kahe yoo qabsaawoti waliti deebi’an nama hin dhibu. Sun tahees jannooti dirree biyya jiru. Ala taa’anii jannoota kana hoogganna jechuun ofirrummaa taha. Jara akkasiif deggeraa tahuu dhiisanii hoogganaa tahuun qabsicha osoo hin hubin hin hafne. Kanaaf sararaa taliilaan gargar bahuun gaarii dha. Kan furga’uu barbaadu takaaluu irra milkiin bahi jedhanii ooffalchuun wayyaa dha. Fakmishoon Hayila Sillaasee garba gama taa’anii fedha ofii namarrati fe’uun amma maa’ii hin baasu. Hoogganni kan saba keessa taa’ee hogganu. Loltuun diina harkati kufuun, du’uun, baduu fi ganuun kan jiru. Raayyaa guutuun haqamuu dandaha.. Sabboonaan dhugaa kanneen hamma dhugaatii jara waliin dhaabbatu yk deebisanii ijaaruuf kan hin guungumne. Kan lubbuu illee kennuuf dhihatan akka jiran hin dagatu. Biyya abbaa ofii caalaa kan nama boonsuu fi kan nama golgu hin jiru. Qondaallonni waan gaafatamu baasna malee walabummaa saa hin dhoofsisnu jedhanii kakatan, kuunnoo gaarreen Oromiya keessa maggalu. Lammii boonsuti isan kan firrisu hin argamu; jabduun saanis gurgudduu irra booree kaa’aa.
Komeen hanga yoonaa sagantaa qabsoo irra jiru, yerroon wal hin gitu, sabi tokkoo kophaa qabsaawee fiixaan baha jedha, sirna jiru keessati qabsaawanii furmaata fiduuf carraa hin banu kan jedhu.
Sabi tokkoo hanga walabummaa fi bilisummaa saa dhabeti haalli yeroon danga’ame qabsoo lagachiisu yoomuu hin dhufu. Hamaa ofirraa faccisuun dhalootee uumaati. Kanaaf tooftaa jijijjiiree kan jalqabe itt fufuu eenyuu dhaabuu hin dandahu. Waa malee hin sossonee waa malees hin dacha’u. Oromoon saba of hin dandeenye irkisaa malee ijaajjuu hin qabu kan jedhan yoo jiraatan yaada abbaa kan dhowwu hin jiru. Sabboonaaf garuu halagaati maxanuu filachuun of mancaasuuti ilaalama.
Addunyaan mandara tokkoo taati jedhu. Ganda tokkoo yoo taates buburrumaa bifa see ammaa gad hin dhiiftu. Komunistotiyyuu sana goona jedhanii abdii hin taaneen hiyyessa gowwoomsanii. Sagantaan ABO waggaa kudhana dura fooyya’e gutummaati hojii irra oolee hin beeku. Osoo gutummaati shakalamee hin mullatin afuuruma erbaala (waraqata) irra jirutu komatamaa jira. Sissiqu goobana jedhama. Bakka jalqaba irra butachuun seera misaati. Duran diinota tarreefaman keessaa fudalismii, kaapitalismii fi kolonummaatu argama. Sirni fudal hariiroo lafaa waliin manca’ee. Kaapitalism baaquleessaati jijjiramee as bahe. Koloniyalism ammallee diriirfatee nurra jira. Kan hin jirree keessaa baafne kan jijjirame mala itt jijjiiree isa hafe meeshaa foyyeffanne itt bobbaana. Goobanuuf sissiquu yk ilaalcha butachuun kanuma. Garuu ammallee Oromiyoon akkuma fira qaban diinas qabu. Dinni saann kan qabeenyaa fi hiree saanii irrati akka too’annoo hin qabanne mormu.
Sabi tokkoo kophaa qabsaawee fiixaan hin bahu jechuun dhugaas dharas of keessaa qaba. Dhugaan saa diina tumsa alaatiin of ijaare jala dhaabbachuuf yoo tummsa walfakkaataa horatan injifannoon akka shaffisu hin haalamu. Hunda caalaa ollaa waliin ulfinaan wal ilaaluu fi walii gamtoomuun kaayyoo bu’uuraa aadaa Oromooti. Garuu dura of jabeessutu eegama. Sabi atoma keessaa qabu diina kamiinu jala dhaabbachuu hin dadhabu. Osoo ofii gamtaa hin qabaatin tumsa alaa barbaachuun diina alaa fi keessaan ofiti guddisuu taha. Kanaaf malee humni Oromoo gamtaan sosso’u fi dubbee amansiisaa qabu, humna halagaa kam waliinuu hidhata fedha waloo irratt hundaawe uummachuu ni danda’a.
Maqaa malee kan duubbee hin qabne, tumsa halagaa uummate obbolaa saati duulchisuu irra hin qoollifatu. Hanga maqichi dhimma baasuuti jarri ofiti qabu taha. Garuu “arba adii” (honga’a malee bu’aa hin qabnee) tahee hafa. Walabummaa, lafquwii fa’itu murteessa kan jedhan jiru. Biyyi lafaan marfamte Oromiyaa qofa miti. Yaadaanmali waan halle lafquwiitu murteessa jedhu kan yeroon itt darbe waan taheef eenyuu dhimma godhachuu hin qabu. Rakkisaa tahuus janna murteeffateef yeroo hunda karaan banaa dha. Heera empayerittiin amma ittiin bultu fudhatanii rakkina jiru irra haanuuf qabsaawuu dha, kan jedhan jiru. Sun Bara Dargiis, bara ammaas yaalamee kufee. Nammi mootummaa cehumsaa fi kennata lamaan darban irra akkamit barachuu dadhaba? Humni aboo irra jiru eenyuufuu angoo hiruu hin barbaadne. Kan angoo humnaan qabate tola yeroo irra bu’u dhagahamee hin beeku. Humni kun empayerittii waan hogganuuf yaa’a kolonummaa ittiin balleessan irrati waliin hin dhoofsifnu hin jennu. Kana kan goonu garuu jabina irra kaanee yoo tahe malee, yero amma, murni dhoofsisee bu’aa boonsaa tahe argamsiisuu hin jiru. Kanaaf dura of jabeessuu barbaachisa.
Kaayyoon sochii bilisummaa ganamaa, bilisummaa Oromoo fi ofiin bulummaa (walabummaa) Oromiyaa argamsiisuu dha. Yaadi walfincilaan sanaa alati dhihaataa jiran hundi, isaa gadi akka tahan hubatamuu qaba. Garaagarummaan ilaalchaa, amantee fi gandaa sana gaditi qabamuutu irra jira. Sanneen dhimma waloo osoo hintahin kan martii dhuunfaatii. Kan waliin qabnu biyya takkitii fi fedha bilisummaan bashaanee walabummaa fi walqixxummaan keessa jiraannu. Sabi tokkoo mirga sabummaa ofii ofiin murteeffachuu qaba. Sun Oromoofis mirga hin uggamne.
Sadarkaa sana yoo gahu golooti akka gorsa saanii fudhatu dhiibbaa godhu. Kaan akka inni ofiin buluu filatu, kaan akka inni olloota biraa waliin tokkummaa uummatee jiratu hololu ta’a. ABOn walabummaa sabichaaf dammaqsa. Haatahu malee waan ormichi murteeffatu ni ulfeessa. Irbi “lakkii” yoo tahe seera tumamu jalatt nagaan qabsoo saa itti fufuu dandaha. Sun hundaaf ifaa ta’uu qaba. Ergamsi ABO sana. Hamma nammi tokkoo kaayyoo ganama hordofu hafutti ergamsa ABO irra deebi’uun rakkisaa ta’aa. Simboon ABOn maddisiifame waan alaawuuf keessa deebitootis hin barbaachifnee ta’uu. Kanneen jijjiirama ergamsa ABO fedhan ABO osoo hin tahin jaarmaa bira soquu qabu. Addunyaa keessa akka sanati kan qabsaawan hedduu dha. Isaan keessaa “Front libération du Québec” faa dhahuun ni dandahama. Walabummaa Qubeek argamsiisuuf al tokko kufe jedhee hin dhiisne. Akkasuma ummati Oromiya filmaata ABOn kennuuf qoqqobamuu hin qabu. Sanatu injifannoo boonsaan isa ga’a.
Haalli gaanfa Afrikaa guyyuu, ummata naagaf caalaa hadhaawaa , bilisummaa sabootaa fi abba tokkeett roorrisaa ta’aa jira. Sabboonoti Oromoo akkuma tahet murna adda addaati hiramanii “hoomaa oofee” keessa gugachuuf yk isa kaan caalaa nama of gula yaasuuf carraaqaa jiru. Sun kan tahe, dirqama xixiqqoo fi gurguddaa gargar baafachuu dadhabuu irraati. Dursanii kaayyoo irrati ilaalcha tokkoo qabaachuu deebi’anii walii mirkaneessuu qabu. Garaagarummaan kaayyoo tuqu hundi gara duubaati dhiibamuutu irra jira. Kanaaf durfannoo irrati walta’uun wal amanuu bakkatt deebisee, hariiroo hawaasaa jeeqamsa irraa oolchuu danda’a. Addaan bahuun murnaa tokkoof anjaa adda hin kennine. Caalattuu deggertootaa fi miseensoti akka abdii kutatanii qollifatan yk kaasicha ganan tolche. Oromiyaan ibdda irra jirti. Kan irraa dhaamsu malee kan hidhii xuuxu hin rakkanne. Yeroon saa ariifachiisaa dha. Daddaaquun hedduu duubati deebisuu dandaha. Dafanii qayyabannoo, gamtaa fi dhaaba qilleensi hin seenne uumuun wal keessatis gola sadaffaa biratis amantee uumuu dandaha. Sanaan injifannoon taakkuu caalaa hin fagaatu.
Ulfinaa fi surraan gootota kufaniif; walabummaa, walqixxummaa fi bilisummaan kan hafaniif; nagaa fi araarri Ayyaana abboolii fi ayyoliif haa tahu!
Ibsaa GuutamaFulbana 2010
Ibsaa Guutama miseensa dhaloota saganta ABO isa jalqabaa baasan keessaa tokkoo.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"Bilisummaa" vs. "Walabummaa: The Great Debate


I listened to Dr. Haile Hirpa’s, former(?) OSA president, interview in an Oromo Paltalk room as posted on

As expected, Haile Hirpa defended his action of inviting Berhanu Nega to present at OSA 2010. This much is expected and no surprise there. He talked about how Berhanu Nega, who said very little at the conference besides blaming “identity politics” for the empire’s maladies, is now a changed man. What is the evidence for Berhanu’s change of heart? “He said he was born in Bushoofttu, Oromia.” Amen!.................

Question to Haile Hirpa from a PalTalk participant: “You have repeatedly said in your speech that Oromo wants “bilisummaa” and nothing else. As we understand from the Oromo people, what they want is not “bilisummaa” only. … What we want is “walabummaa Oromiyaa ti.” An independent state of Oromia. … So when you say Oromos want “Bilisummaa”, do you mean the Oromo people can be free and live with in Ethiopia or you are substituting “bilisuummaa” for “Walabummaa”? …” (translation mine)

Dr. Haile Hirpa’s response: “The objective of the OLF that I know since 1973/74 is the same one it is sticking to today – regardless of the various difference existing among them today - which is “bilisummaa”. However, to transform this objective from “bilisummaa” to “walabummaa” [independence], those who lead the organization have to come together and establish [walabummaa] as OLF’s objective. [Walabummaa] has never been the objective of the OLF. But, I am willing to be educated on this. However, for as long as I have been part of this struggle and the OLF, the objective of the OLF is “bilisummaa”, nothing else. I think we can agree on this.” (translation mine)

Listen to Dr. Haile below. Then read part of the OLF political program (from 1973/74 and 1998) also below and you be the judge.

Listen to the Q & A

OLF political programs:


Monday, August 30, 2010

Ethiopia invaded Somalia for the second time

Daily Nation
By Abdulkadir Khalif Nation Correspondent A large number of Ethiopian troops in military vehicles on Sunday reached Somali villages after crossing its ...
read more

Eebbisaa Addunyaa Did Not Give Up Nor Give In!

SPECIAL REPORT: August 30 - Remembering the 14th Anniversary of the Execution of Eebbisaa Addunyaa - Read More »»»

Notice: Tell us how Eebbisaa Addunyaa and Usmayyoo Musa inspire you as an Oromo - you can submit your stories as videos

(YouTube, etc), poems, articles, audio, etc. Throughout this week, we'll feature submitted works.

Message from the Australian-Oromo Community:

More »»»

Poem: Remembering Eebbisaa Addunyaa

Walaloo Hundasa Lammessa: Yaadannoo Eebbisaa Addunyaaf

Gi'iz vs Gize

Friday, August 27, 2010

ABOn Hawaasa Oromoo Washington DC Qubateef Ibsa Kenne

J. Galaasaa Dilboo, J. Ibsaa Guutamaa fi J. Zalaalam Nagaasaa

Ibsa J. Galaasaa Dilboo:

(Hagayya 14, 2010, Washington DC) – ABOn Hagayya 14, 2010 hawaasa Oromoo Washington DC qubateef ibsa kenne. Walgahii “Haala QBO harr’a keessa jiru, tarkaanffii itti aanu fi qooda sabboontoota fi Haawaasa Oromoo” ibsuu irratti xiyyeeffate kana irratti bakka bu’oonni ABO wal duraa dubaan ilaalcha dhaaba saanii gad-fageenyaan ibsan.

Jaal. Galaasaa Dilboo, HD ABO durii fi miseensa Koree Hojii Geggeessitu (KHG) ABO, karaa telefoonaa yeroo dubbatan Jaallan Ibsaa Guutamaa fi Zalaalam Nagaasaa qaamaan irratti argamuun haasaa godhan.

Ibsa saanii keessati, Jaal. Ibsaan haala amma hawaasin Oromoo fi qabsoon isaa keessa jiru erga xiinxalanii booda rakkooleee addaddaa ummaticha fi qabsichatti gufuu ta’an xuxxuqan. Akkasumas, rakkoolee kana furuuf furmaata tokko tokko, kaneen ammatti ABOn irratti hojjetaa jiru fi kan fuula duratti akeeku addadaa ibsan.

Guutuu Gabaasaa (

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Politics of Oromo National Identity: In Need of Paradigm Shift?
By Gumaa Guddaa*

Oromo National Identity
Before answering whether Oromo people can be Ethiopian it is necessary to examine the difference between being Oromo and being Ethiopian in the first instance. Oromo national identity refers to the identity of the Oromo people, the representation of their country Oromia as a whole, encompassing its culture, traditions, language, and politics contrary to the Ethiopian discourse that tends to present Oromo national identity as part of the multiple identities that the Oromo people enjoy with the greater Ethiopian identity.

The Ethiopian identity on the other hand means different things depending on if you are Abyssinian or not. For an Abyssinian the term Ethiopian means the same. For the rest, however, Ethiopian is filled with ambiguity and dissonance. This confusion emanates not only from difference in cultural and ethnic identity, but also from politics. The political history of Ethiopia for the non-Abyssinians is nothing but exploitation, subjugation and cultural genocide. The current Ethiopian regime has raised the stake further from cultural genocide to real genocide that one Oromo social scientist dubbed it as ‘the final solution’. read more

Friday, August 13, 2010

Tokkummaa ykn Tumsa Humnoota Oromootiif Iyyuun Tumsa Hunda Hammataa Alaa Diduu Miti

Abdii Boruutiin*

Akka yaada fi ilaalcha kiyyaatti, tokkummaa diduun humna diiguu dha; tumsa diduun ammoo humna laaffisuu dha. Yoon akkana jedhu maal jechuu kooti? Gabaabumatti, yoo tokkummaa hin qabaanne, humna horachuu hin dandeenyu; kan duraan qabnu illee gara gara faca’ee badaa deema. Yoo tumsa hin qabaanne, humna cimaa diina injifachuu danda’u uumuu ykn horachuu hin dandeenyu; diinnis nurratti cimaa deemee, umrii bittaa gabrummaa dheereffata jechuu dha. Egaa, tokkummaa fi tumsi, tokko kan biraatiif bu’ura ta’ee, akka damee muka tokkoo babal’achaa akka deemu hubadhaa! Tokkummaan yoo jiraate, innis guddatee tumsa ta’a; tumsis babal’achaa deemee, tumsa guddaa hunda hammataa tokko dhalcha ykn fida. Yoo tokkummaan hin jiraane ykn hin uumamne, tumsi uumamuu hin danda’u; tumsa biraa hunda hammataa fiduun sirumaa waan hin danda’amne ta’a jechuu dha.

Waayee ijaarsa tumsa hunda hammataa (All-Inclusive Alliance) ilaalchisee amma illee marii oo’aan deemaa jira. Amma illee namoota gara garaa irraa yaadni adda addaa dhiyaachaa jira. Akkan yaadolee (comments) gara garaa irraa hubadhetti, yaadni namoota irraa dhiyaate waan bifa sadi qabu natti fakkaata; akka waan tokko tokko ibsuu dhaaf natti tolu garee saditti hiree ilaaluun yaala.

Garee tokkoffaa: Isaan kun namoota tumsa hunda hammataa hin barbaadne yoo ta’an, sababni isaan dhiyeessan, kanaan duras tumsi gara garaa yaalamee, garuu qabsoo bilisummaa Oromootiif (QBOtiif) bu’aa tokko illee otuu hin fidin waan hafeef, ammas tumsa biraa ijaaruun waan Oromoo dhaaf bu’aa fidu miti jedhanii warra ijaarsa tumsa akkanaatiin mormanii dha.

Garee lammaffaa: Isaan kun ammoo tumsa hunda hammataa ijaaruun barbaachisaa dha, garuu dura tokkummaan ykn tumsi mooraa QBO keessatti ijaaramuu qaba warra jedhanii dha ykn yaada jedhu dha. Ani illee yaadni kiyya garee kana keessa gala. Maaliifa akka ta’e barruu kiyya kan kana duraa keessatti ibsuu yaaleen ture; ammas irra deebi’ee kanaa gaditti waan tokko tokko kaasuu ykn ibsuun yaala.

Garee sadaffaa: Namonni tokko tokko ammoo dafanii Wayyaanee kuffisuu dhaaf tumsa hunda hammataa ijaaruun amma barbaachisaa waan ta’eef, kanaaf yeroon kennamuu hin qabu; hamma tokkummaan ykn tumsi mooraa QBO keessatti ijaaramutti yeroo dheeraa fudhachuu yookaanis ammoo sirumaayuu otuu hin milkoofne illee hafuu waan danda’uuf, kana eeguun yeroo fixuu dha warra jedhanii yaadan fakkaatu.

Haala yeroo ammaa mooraa QBO keessatti mul’atu yoo ilaalle fi hubanne, dhugaa dubbachuu dhaaf waa hunda gaafii keessa galchaa jira; abdii illee waan hir’isaa deeme fakkaata. Araarri fi tokkummaan qabsaa’ota fi jaarmayootaa keessumaayuu yaaliin deebisanii tokkoomsuu Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO) waan milkaawu fi xumuramu hin fakkaatu. Otuu waayeen kun hawwii fi abdii guddaa dhaan eegamaa jiruu, jidduu dhaan wanti gaddisiisaan tokko tokko dhaga’ama. Kan kanarraa ka’e tokkummaa fi tumsa mooraa QBO gaafii keessa galche ykn galcha. Taa’anii wal ilaaluurra ykn waliin mormaa yeroo fixuurra xinnaatu illee waan tokko godhuu wayya yaada jedhutti nama geessa. Kanaaf, namoonni tokko tokko (warri garee sadaffaa keessa galuu danda’an) waan tokkummaa ykn tumsa Oromoo irraa abdii murataniif, teenyee hamma kun ijaaramutti hin eegnu, tumsa alaa barbaaduu wayya jedhanii yaadan natti fakkaatu.

Tumsa cimaa hunda hammataa ijaaruun barbaachisaa kan ta’u diina cimaa waliin qaban Wayyaanee faashistii kana dafanii kuffisuufi. Kun akka yaadaatti dhugaa dha; humna cimaa diina injifatu uumuu dhaaf tumsi akkanaa barbaachisaa akka ta’u mamiin ykn shakkiin hin jiru; kanatti hunduu waan amanuu qaban natti fakkaata. Haa ta’u malee, gaafiileen asirratti ka’an ykn ka’uu qaban: Tumsi akkanaa kun yoo akkamitti ijaarame bu’aa fiduu danda’a? Oromoo ykn QBO ti moo ormatu bu’aa caalaa irraa argata? Yoo diinni cimaan kun kufe booda hoo rakkoon QBOrratti fidu jiraa ykn jiraachuu malaa? fi kan kana fakkaatanii dha. Kanaaf, waa hunda gadi fageenyaan xinxaluu fi ittiyaaduu, akkasumas ittiqophaa’uu barbaachisa. Kan dabre irraa muuxannoo argachuu fi irraa barachuu kan barbaachisus yeroon isaa amma. Kan dabre irraa yoo hin baratamne ammoo, deebi’anii rakkoo’uma wal fakkaatu keessa akka seenan ykn galan nama godha jechuu dha.

Rakkoo dubbachuun karaa tokko; furmaata rakkoo barbaaduun ammoo karaa biraa ti. Amma garuu rakkoo kaasanii ykn dubbatanii dhiisuu qofaa otuu hin taane, hamma danda’ame, karaa danda’ameen furmaata rakkoo barbaaduun dirqama ta’a. Yaadni fi malli gara garaa maddani illee, furmaanni xumuraa waliin argamuu qaba. Furmaanni akkanaas kan argamuu danda’u yoo waliin haasa’an fi waliin mari’atan malee, taa’anii wal ilaaluu ykn waliin mormuu qofaa dhaanii miti. Taa’anii wal ilaaluu fi waliin mormuun umrii bittaa diinaa dheeressa malee uummata Oromootiif ykn qabsoo bilisummaa isaatiif bu’aa tokko illee hin fidu; kanuma arginee dabarre fi amma illee argaa jirruu dha. Oromoon humna cimaa uumuu otuu danda’uu humna qabu sanaa laaffisaa deemuun qaanii guddaa dha. Tokkummaa ykn tumsa ofii abdachiisaa ijaaruu otuu danda’uu tumsa alaa barbaaduunuu kan nama dinquu dha yoon jedhe waanan dubbii oo’ise natti hin fakkaatu. Wayyaaneen saba bicuurraa dhufte, garuu duraan mooraa ofii keessatti humna ofii waan cimsiteef kunoo har’a sadarkaa kanarra geesse.

Obboo Fayyis Oromia mata duree “Tumsi hunda hammataan yaadame kun adda ta’uu danda’aa? (Afaan keenyattan hiike) The suggested All-Inclusive Alliance: Can it be different and make a difference?” jedhuun barruu dhiyeese: Gaafiin inni kaase kun gaafii gaarii, gaafii barbaachisaa, kan Oromoon hunduu of gaafachuu qabu, kan xinxaala bal’aa barbaadu fi ittiyaaduu fi itti qophaa’uus barbaachisuu dha. Dhugaa dha, tumsoota hamma har’aatti yeroo fi haala adda addaa keessatti ijaaraman irraa maaltu adda isa godhuu danda’a? Akkamitti adda ta’uu danda’a jennees of gaafachuun barbaachisaa dha. Barbaachisa tumsa akkanaa qofaa otuu hin taane, akkamitti akka ijaaramu irratti illee gadi fageenyaan ittiyaaduun murteessaa dha. Yoo qophii gaariin godhame malee, diinuma waliin qaban faashistii kana dafanii kuffisuu dhaaf jedhanii muddamaan waan biraa keessa galuun akka hin uumamne sirriitti itti yaaduu nama barbaachisa jechuu kooti. Kanaaf, barruu kiyya kan kana duraa keessatti sadarkaa sadarkaa dhaan hojjechuu qabna jedhe. Sadarkaalee kana keessatti ammoo waa hundatu xinxaalamuu danda’a; ciminni fi laafinni ni hubatama; akka humni guddachaa fi cimaa deemu taasisa; walirratti duuluun hafee irree tokkoon akka diinarratti duulamu godha.

Wanti tokko kan hubatamuu qabu, ijaarsa tumsa hunda hammataa tokko keessatti humni miseensota (jaarmayoota) tumsa kanaa yoo waliin hin qixxoofne ykn walitti hin dhiyaanne fi humni miseensa (jaarmayaa) tokkoo kan biroo kan caalu ta’e, miseensa ykn miseensota, kan humna laafaa qabani irratti dhiibbaa godhuu waan danda’uuf, boodarra kaayyoo isaanii irratti illee rakkoo fiduu danda’a. Kanaaf ammoo Wayyaanee’umtuu fakkeenya ta’uu dandeessi. Humna ofii cimaa waan qabaatteef ykn horatteef tumsa ijaarte keessatti kan biroo irratti dhiibbaa gootee, kanattis fayyadamtee, waa hundaa harkatti galfattee, kunoo akka barbaadde fi waan barbaadde godhaa jirti. Akka rakkoon akkanaa ykn walfakkaataan hin dhalanne ykn hin uumamne, dura itti qophaa’uun barbaachisaa ta’a. Qophiin duraa kun ammoo mooraa ofii keessatti nagaa fi araara buusanii, humna ofii cimsuu dha. Humni ofii kunis rakkoon tokko illee yoo uumame, kan kanaan mormuu fi injifachuu danda’u ta’uu qaba; kan uummanni itti amanuu fi abdatu, kan uummata of duuba hiriirsu ta’uu qaba. Humni akkanaa ammoo, ammas kanuman jechaa ture sanan irra deebi’aa, tokkummaa ykn tumsa mooraa QBO keessatti ijaaramu irraa dhufa; kanarraa abdii murachuun nurra hin jiru. Tumsa hunda hammataa ijaaruu dhaaf kun haalduree ta’uu qaba jedheen amana; hundee gaarii ijaaruuf malee tumsa hunda hammataa diduufis miti.

Kanaaf, wanti hunduu sadarkaa sadarkaa dhaan hojjetamuu fi tumsa hunda hammataa dura tokkummaan ykn tumsi humnoota bilisummaa Oromoo ijaaramuu qaba. Carraan tokko yoo argame, ammas akka nu hin dabarre ciminaan irratti hojjechuu fi waa hunaafuu of qopheessuun murteessaa dha. Haalli uummanni keenya fi qabsoon bilisummaa isaa keessa jiran yeroo dhaa yerootti ulfaachaa waan dhufeef; diinni keenya ammoo yeroo dhaa yerootti cimaa waan deemuuf, kaayyoo ganamaa, kaayyoo galgalaa jechaatuma waliin mormuu fi wal dadhabsiisuun, tokkummaa ijaaruu dadhabuun uummata keenyaaf bu’aa hin fidne, fiduus hin danda’au. Akka uummanni keenya gabrummaa yoomiyyuu caalaa hamaa ta’e kana jalaa/keessaa ba’u, akka haalli QBO tolfamu, akka humni keenya jabaatu fi cimu, xinnaatu illee waan bu’aa tokko fidu irratti waliin hojjechuu dha malee, akkuma dur faashinii’uma dura sana irra deddeebi’uun, sirbuma dur sirbuun diinaaf karaa tolcha malee Oromoon bu’aa irraa hin argatu. Kan dabre irraa barachuu qabna; kanarraa muuxannoo argachuu fi irraa barachuu danda’uun ammoo beekumsa guddaa fi/ykn gabnummaa dha.

Dhumarratti, marsaa (website) irratti suuraa torbanii (picture of the week) jedhu jalatti dhaamasi Odaa Oromoo yeroo hunda sammuu Oromoo keessatti mul’achuu qaba; DO NOT BE THE GENERATION THAT LETS OROMO DOWN, COME TOGETHER!! Dhaamsi fi yaamichi kana caalu hin jiru. Kan yaamicha kana dide, kan waayee kana dagate seenaan isa gaafata. Dhaloota seenaa balleesu otuu hin taane, dhaloota seenaa boonsaa hojjetee dabru ta’uu qabna. Waliin haa haasofnu, waliin haa mari’annu, waliigaltee haa uumnu, tokkummaa haa ijaarru, tumsa waliif haa taanu. Walirratti duuluu dhiifnee, irree tokkoon diinarratti haa duullu. Uummanni Oromoo ijoollee isaatiin boonuu qaba malee, ittiin qaana’uu hin qabu. Nuyis bu’aa ykn dhimma dhuunfaatiif jennee waayee uummata keenyaa dagachuu dhaabuu qabna.


* Abdii Boruu:

Monday, June 14, 2010

Deadly blasts strike Kenya rally

Deadly blasts strike Kenya rally

Police in Kenya are expected to soon reveal what caused two explosions at a political rally in the capital, Nairobi.

At least six people were killed and more than 100 others wounded during the incident on Sunday.

The back-to-back explosions went off at a rally held to protest against a referendum on a new draft constitution.

Al Jazeera's Zeina Awad reports from the capital.

Ogaden group alleges massacre

Ogaden group alleges massacre

Rebels in Ethiopia's eastern Ogaden region have accused the government of killing 71 civilians in a military operation last month.

The Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF), which says it is fighting for autonomy for ethnic Somalis in the region on the border with Somalia, said the operation against them started on May 18.

It said in a statement on Friday that the offensive was launched in retaliation for a raid during which ONLF claimed to have captured a town previously controlled by the government.

"The Ethiopian army combed the countryside, summarily executing men in front of their families while beating, raping or killing the women," the ONFL statement said.

"The ruthless troops have so far massacred 71 innocent civilians with impunity while wounding and torturing hundreds."

The Ethiopian government denied the accusations.

"We are still gathering information about these accusations, but so far we can say they are entirely baseless," Shimeles Kemal, an Ethiopian government spokesman, said.

He denied that military operations were taking place in the Ogaden area.

Claims from either side are almost impossible to verify, as journalists and aid groups cannot travel in the poverty-stricken region without a government escort.

The ONLF has been fighting for what it calls autonomy for ethnic Somalis in the Ogaden region since 1984.

The conflict has taken on new significance since international petroleum companies began searching for oil and gas in the area.

In April, a British geologist working for a subcontractor of Petronas, a Malaysian oil giant, was shot dead there

Thursday, June 10, 2010

More Death Penalties by TPLF Kangaroo Court on Oromo Civilians

June 8, 2010 - The following is a press release from the Oromo Human Rights and Relief Organization (Oromo Menschenrechts- und Hilfsorganisation – OMRHO e.V.)

In a less than two months of time, the Ethiopian court has handed down a death penalty and a life-long imprisonment on Oromo civilians for the second time.

The Ethiopian federal court handed down this time, 20th of May 2010, death penalty and harsh long time imprisonment on 7 Oromo civilians. These are:

1. Mrs. Dirribe Ettaana, sentenced to death
2. Mr. Deggu Ettaana, sentenced to death
3. Mrs. Urge Abebe, sentenced to death
4. Mr. Daniel Jaleta, sentenced to death
5. Mr. Girma Raggassa, Life imprisonment
6. Mr. Endale Nagari, 10 years imprisonment
7. Mrs. Workinesh Dube, two years imprisonment and 2000 Birr, Ethiopian currency.

Read full report from»»»

US stresses backing for vote on future of south Sudan: Biden

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday reiterated strong U.S. backing for a credible and timely referendum on South Sudan's self determination, the White House said.

Biden met with south Sudan leaders in Nairobi. He is traveling to attend the start of the 2010 Soccer World Cup in South Africa at the end of this week.

"The Vice President reaffirmed the strong U.S. commitment to seeing the referendum on Southern self-determination occur on time and in a manner that credibly reflects the will of the Southern Sudanese people," the White House said.

A 2005 peace deal to end a 22-year civil war between the largely Christian and animist south Sudan and the mostly Muslim North, included autonomy for the South, a share in oil revenues and a path to independence via the referendum in January 2011.

Biden also urged southerners to immediately being talks with the Khartoum government in the north to iron out post-vote issues like the position of the border, revenue sharing and citizen rights.

The vote is seen as a potential flashpoint for regional security and Biden promised to continue U.S. aid to the Sudan People's Liberation Army "in recognition of the serious threats to security faced by the South", the White House said.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

ONLF Forces In Control of Hilala Oil Field

Ogaden Online
Special forces of the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) yesterday liberated and are now in control of the Hilala oil field in Eastern Ogaden. ..
read more

Our real allies are Ethiopians who are fighting Meles – Ed Royce

By Ed Royce, U.S. Congressman
Nineteen years and counting. Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and his ruling EPRDF party are cruising to an easy "victory" in the May 23 elections. Taking power in 1991, Meles is as entrenched as they get.
Meles' win did take some work. After the 2005 election, in which the opposition did too well for his liking, the hammer fell. Since then, political opponents and local journalists have been jailed. Foreign journalists denied visas. The internet jammed. Newspapers closed.
There are credible reports of food aid being used as a political weapon. The government jams our Voice of America broadcasts, despite the nearly billion dollars of aid we give it each year. The State Department reports that Ethiopian security services commit politically motivated killings. The Meles government has the repression thing down pretty good.
Meles has buddies. Throughout the continent, several leaders are into their second, third and nearly fourth decades in power. No democrats here. The State Department tends to put them on pedestals, especially Rwanda's Kagame and Uganda's Museveni. Along with Meles, the Clinton Administration lauded these "new African leaders."
I ran into the Ethiopian Ambassador last week. On democracy, he pleaded for time. African democracy is young, for sure. But that absolves sins of omission, poor infrastructure that frustrates voting, for example. Political hits and other violence against democrats are inexcusable. The Ambassador didn't mention that his government is committed to "revolutionary democracy," a collectivism that tolerates no dissent. The New York Times quotes a prominent Ethiopian dissident saying, "They still have this leftist ideology that the vanguard party is right for the people." Trust me, they always will.
Last week, with seven other members of Congress, I wrote the State Department charging that in recent years it "has rarely spoken out about the Meles government's human rights violations." Diplomats, never wanting to offend, always short democracy. They go especially easy on Ethiopia because it checks jihadists in neighboring Somalia. I doubt the Ethiopian government hits them as hard as its political opponents.
Getting excited about democracy risks driving the Meles government into Chinese hands, some argue. Beijing is pouring billions into Ethiopia. This possible dance with Beijing says a lot about the Meles government's true colors. Clearly, our real allies are the brave Ethiopian
men and women fighting the rot of years of Meles' unchecked reign. Aid them. Sadly, power has gotten to the point of absolutely corrupting Meles' 19-year rule.
(Ed Royce, a Republican member of the United States House of Representatives from California, is a member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and a former chairman of the Subcommittee on Africa.)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Somaliland-Ethiopia border clash 'kills 13'

Page last updated at 7:52 GMT, Saturday, 22 May 2010 8:52 UK
At least 13 people have died in a clash between Somalis and Ethiopian forces who had crossed the border, village elders told the BBC.

Elders said three Ethiopian soldiers and at least 10 residents of Buhoodle district in Somaliland were killed in a shoot-out after a dispute at a checkpoint.

Residents say Ethiopia troops regularly cross into southern and central Somalia and fight Islamists controlling their towns, according to Reuters news agency.

But it is believed to be the first time that they have sought to do this in the semi-autonomous region of Somaliland, which is generally seen as more stable than Somalia. read more

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ethiopia rebels say capture base, kill 94 soldiers

AngolaPress - ‎5 minutes ago‎
Addis Abeba - An Ethiopian rebel group said on Tuesday it had captured an army base and killed 94 soldiers, five days before national elections the government has warned rebel groups may try to disrupt.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

ONLF Commandos freed 50 Civilian detainees

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ONLF special forces/ @ Ogaden Today

ONLF special forces/ @ Ogaden Today

Special Forces from the 'Gorgor(Eagle)' unit of the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) Liberation Army captured 'Malqaqa', a strategic garrison that was part of the Ethiopian regime’s defence infrastructure along the road between Jigjiga and Harar. The operation resulted in the capture of 192 light and heavy machines guns and large amount of ammunition.

The Ethiopian regimes forces lost 94 soldiers and the casualties of the ONLF were minimal given that our forces had the advantage of the element of surprise.

50 civilian detainees including women and children were set free by our forces at the conclusion of the operation. Fourteen of the detainees were found tied to posts with wires by the regimes troops when our forces entered the garrison. The wires had damaged their limbs and those civilians were removed by our troops on stretchers and are currently receiving medical attention.

The Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) has stepped up its operations against the Ethiopian regimes army, which has been forced to be on the defensive after heavy losses in the battle field recently.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Two OPDO killed in grenade attack

Independent Online
By Barry Malone

Addis Ababa - Three men threw a hand grenade into a political meeting in Ethiopia, killing two and injuring fourteen just over two weeks before national elections, a government spokesman said on Saturday.

The attack on a gathering of the Oromo Peoples' Democratic Organisation (OPDO) happened on Thursday in the Oromia region, home to Ethiopia's most populous ethnic group, the Oromo, who number 27 million out of 80 million people.

"It was an attempt to assassinate the region's deputy president, Abdulaziz Mohammed, but he was unhurt. The suspects have been arrested," government spokesman Shimeles Kemal told Reuters. The OPDO is part of the country's ruling more

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Heavily armed Merille Militia from Ethiopia have invaded Turkana

Written By:KNA , Posted: Tue, May 04, 2010

Heavily armed Merille Militia from Ethiopia have invaded the fish rich Dogonyang belt displacing over 200 Turkana fishermen along lake Turkana.

Following the displacement, fish harvesting on the lake has gone down.

Turkana district fisheries officer Jared Agano said the conflict had adversely affected fishing activities along the lake pointing out that Dodonyang which is a key fishing ground has been traditionally yielding high fish products over the years.

Turkana fishermen who have since fled to safer fishing grounds of Lowarengak and Kataboi expressed concern that the insecurity caused by the Merille gunmen had affected the economic activities along the lake.

They said the intruders with canoes and motorboats have been attacking fishermen in the region before fleeing back to Ethiopia.

Turkana north DC Jack Obuo is leading a powerful delegation for negotiations that will ensure eventual withdrawal of armed Merille gangs on the lake.

The meeting scheduled to take place in Kibish will among other issues discuss the rising insecurity along the Ethiopia- Kenya border where local pastoralists have engaged each other in bloody conflicts.

Last year a senior GSU officer was killed at Dodonyang by suspected Merille gunmen after they attacked a GSU camp.

Residents have appealed to the government to deploy Kenya navy personnel to secure the Kenyan territory by patrolling the lake to scare away armed foreigners.

(KBC)Kenya Broadcasting Coporation

Related news:

Daily Nation
Groups protest at Ethiopia power dam
Daily Nation
PHOTO/ REUTERS By Paul Redfern, Nation Correspondent, London An Ethiopian power project could destroy the livelihoods of more than 500000

Oromo Action Plan for the Liberation of Oromia and the Destruction of Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia)

The present article is not an original, new text; it consists in the merge of eight articles first published in 2008. The text has been slightly modified, edited and updated. As the series was not completed, I will further expand in forthcoming articles in order to extensively describe the types of actions needed to be undertaken by independent average Oromos in view of the liberation of Oromia and the ultimate destruction of the monstrous colonial tyranny of Abyssinia, the world’s most racist and inhuman state. The present article consists of 21 units, as per below:

1. The Search for Oromo Leadership
2. A New Oromo Leadership: A Global First
3. Weaknesses of the Traditional Political Leadership
4. Identification of the Oromo Nation in 2010
5. Who is the enemy of the Oromos?
6. Local – Regional-level Foes
7. Authentic Oromos and Fabricated Amharas; the Total Opposition
8. Direct and Indirect Colonialism
9. Differentiation among Colonial Rulers
10. Anglo - French Colonial Establishment: Arch-enemy of the Oromo Nation
11. Millions of Oromo Leaders Organized in Independent Groups
12. Present Oromo "Leaderships" and their Inertia
13. Key Figures to Be Considered by All the Oromos
14. Biyya Oromo Independent – Whose Work Is It?
15. Groups of Oromo Liberation Activity – GOLA
16. Ground work
17. GOLA Security – Impenetrability
18. GOLA – Commitment
19. GOLA – Function
20. Basic Directions for GOLA Projects and Endeavours
21. Collection of Information Pertaining to the Oromo Nation more

Sunday, May 02, 2010 Qabsoo Bilisummaa Oromoo Keessatti, Qabsoon Hidhannoo Hammam Abdachiisaa Dha?

Abdii Boruutiin*

Seenaa biyyoota gara garaa kan gabrummaa jala turani fi bilisummaa argatan yoo ilaalle, qabsoo bilisummaa isaanii keessatti qabsoon hidhannoo bakka guddaa akka qabaate arguu dandeenya. Kun gabaabumatti wareegamaan malee bilisummaan uummata ykn saba tokkoo kadhaa dhaan akka hin argamne agarsiisa. Kan humnaan bilisummaa namarraa fudhate, humnumaan injifatama malee, yoo humni duuba hin jiraanne karaa nagaatiin diploomasii dhaan diina wajjin waliigalanii bilisummaa deebisanii argachuun waan hin danda’amnee dha. Karaa kanaan kan danda’amu illee yoo ta’e, biyyoota diingadee fi teeknoolojii dhaan guddatan, biyyoota diimookraasiin keessa jiru keessati malee keessumaayuu biyyoota akka Afrikaa keessatti waan danda’amu natti hin fakkaatu.

Seenaa saba Oromoos yoo ilaalle, erga gabrummaa Habashaa jalatti kufee kaasee uummanni keenya bilisummaa fi abbaabiyummaa dhabe deebisee argachuu dhaaf xinnaatus baay’atus qabsoo hidhannoo otuu hin godhin hafee hin beeku. Bu’aaleen har’a argaman illee kan qabsoo hidhannoorraa maddanii dha. ABOn illee otuu qabsoo hidhannoo cimsuu baatee, jijjiiramni bara 1991 argame hin danda’amu ture. Kanaaf, qabsoo bilisummaa keessatti karaa hidhannootiin qabsoo jabeessuun murteessaa dha. Diina keenyas kan sodaachifnu fi injifannoos irratti agarsiisuu dandeenyu, kan waabii ta’u, qabsoo hidhannootiin qofaa dha. Diinni keenyas waan kana beekuuf, jaarmayoota bilisa baasota keenyarratti keessumaayuu ABOrratti xiyyeeffata. Kana illee sababa godhee namoota nagaa, hidhaa, dararaa, ajjeesaa, biyyarraa baqachiisaa fi balleessa ragaa amansiisaa hin qabneen hidhaa bara dheeraa fi du’a irratti murteessaa jira.

Dhaaba siyaasaa ykn jaarmayaas yoo ta’e, jaarmayaa bilisa baasaan qabsoo hidhannoo hin qabne ykn hin gaggeessine jabeenya qabaachuu hin danda’u. Kan isa jabeessus ta’ee kan isa laaffisu, kan inni ittiin madaalamu akkaataa qabsoo hidhannoo inni ittiin gaggeessuu dha jechuu ni danda’ama. Yoon akkana jedhu maal jechuu kooti? Jaarmayaan bilisa baasaan tokko qabsoo hidhannoo cimaa kan gaggeessu fi humna waraana bilisa baasaa cimaa kan qabu yoo ta’e, jabeenyi isaas akkasuma mul’achuu danda’a. Qabsoon hidhannoo inni gaggeessu laafaa yoo ta’e fi humna waraanaa cimaa yoo hin qabaanne, humni jaarmayaa akkanaa akkasuma waan laafuuf, uummata illee of duuba hiriirsuun ulfaataa ta’uu danda’a. Yoo kun hin taane ammoo injifannoo agarsiisuun hin danda’amu; bilisummaanis achi fagaachaa deema jechuu dha....guutuu isaa dubbisuuf

Kaayyoon Oromoo Bilisummaa fi Abbaabiyyummaa Dhabe Deebisee Argachuuf Malee, kan Argate Sanaa Deebisee Dhabuu Miti

Abdii Boruutiin*

Oromoorraa dhaladheef otuu hin taaane, wanti dhugaa ta’e fi ibsuu barbaadu, uummanni keenya (Oromoon) dhalootaan ykn uumaa dhaan daba waan beeku natti hin fakkaatu. Ormaa laachuu fi obaasuu; dhimma ofii dura dhimma ormaatiif dursa kennuu; waayee ofii caalaa waayee ormaatiif of miidhuu; daangaa ofiitiif caalaa daangaa ormaatiif wareegamuu; dhimma ormaatiif lubbuu ofii dhabuu fi kkf. amaloota Oromoo waan ta’aniif, waayee kanatti fayyadamanii, uummata keenya gowwoomsanii, addaan hiranii nu bitaa turan, amma illee itti jiru, borus yoo carraa argatan akkasumatti itti fufuu barbaadu. Kanaaf, diinni keenya Afaan isaaniitiin jecha “yawwaah” jedhu illee nuuf moggaasu.

Gabrummaa bar-dhibbee tokko fi wal’akkaa dhaa ol keessa jirru kana keessatti wanti uummanni keenya gabroonfataa irraa barate yoo jiraate, daba, wal tuffachuu, wal inaafuu, of guddisuu fi of tuuluu, anatu caalaa beeka jechuu, of jajuu fi kkf dha. Isaan kanatu aadaa keenyarratti dhiibbaa godhaa ture, amma illee itti jiru. Isaan kanatu amala keenya jijjiire. Amalli akkanaa ammoo qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo (QBO) keessatti gufuu tokko ta’ee argama.

Biyyi keenya Oromiyaan akka teessuma isaatti (geographically) handhuura impaayaricha kanaa ti. Saboota fi biyyoota baay’ee dhaan marfamee jira. Kuni ammoo bittaa ykn gabrummaa Habashaa wajjin waa baay’ee nutti fide. Fakkeenya tokko tokko kaasuu dhaaf, sababa kanaan Oromoon saboota biroo wajjin fuudhaa fi heerumsaan akkasumas amantii dhaan walitti makamuu danda’e. Isaan kun ammoo sababoota qabsoo bilisummaa keenyaatti gufuu ta’an keessaa isaan gurguddoo dha. Akkamitti gufuu ta’uu danda’u? Oromoonni tokko tokko kan abbaan ykn haati isaanii saba (uummata) biroo ta’an, dhaloonni isaanii wal’akkaa (half) waan ta’uuf, Oromummaa dhaan boonuurra Itiyoophiyummaa filatu. Dhaloota wal’akkaa yoon jedhu abba fi haati isaanii waan gara gara ta’aniif jechuu kooti.

Karaa biraatiin ammoo amantiin, saba Oromoo keessatti, gahee guddaa taphachaa ture ammas jira. Akkuman kanaan duras barruu kiyya tokko keessatti ibsuu yaale, fakkeenyaaf, amantiin ortodooksii kristaanaa kan gabrummaa Habashaa wajjin dhufe fi kana keessatti illee gahee guddaa taphachaa ture fi jiru, aadaa keenyarratti dhiibbaa guddaa waan godhaa tureef, Oromoonni tokko tokko akka eenyummaa ofii dagatan taasise. Sababa kanaan kan ka’e, isaanis sabboonummaa fi Oromummaa dhaan boonuu dhiisanii itiyoophiyummaatti amanu. Kanaaf egaa, sababoonni gara garaa kun QBO keessatti gufuu ta’uu danda’u ykn ta’an kanan jedheef....guutuu isaa dubbisuuf

Friday, April 02, 2010

Ibsa Maree ABO Dhinsuu fi Humneessuu (OLF)

Addi Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABOn) erga bu’uurfame eegale hanga hardhatti injfannoo gurguddaa galmeessuun as ga’un saa beekamaa dha. Hardhas, gufuun tokkoo tokkoo dura haa dhaabbatan malee, qabsoo ummata Oromoo galmaan ga’uf akeeka ganama manaa baheef osoo gad hin dhiisin waliigaltee qabsaa’ota bilisummaa Oromoo hunda haammatu dhugoomsuuf tattaaffii ol’aana ABOn itti jiruu abdachiisaa dha.
Dirqama qabsoon gaafatu guutummaatti mo’achuuf, qabsoo bilisummaa milkiin xumuru fi jireenya ummata Oromoof wabii argamsiisuuf ABO deebisanii dhinsuu, gurmuu qabsaaota Oromoo walabaa deebisuu fi humneessuun gaafatama qabsa’otaa fi waligala ummata Oromoo ti.
Garaagarummaa fi diigaminsa mooraa qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo keessatti baroota hedduuf babal’achaa fi hidda gadi fageeffachaa dhufe mariin furuun (dachaasuun) gaaffii yeroo ti. Feedhiin kun kan qabsaa’otaa qophaa osoo hin taane hunda caalaa abdii fi hawwii ummata Oromoo ti.
Dheebuu sabaa kana deebisuun ABO bu’uura kaayyoo walabummaa Oromiyaatii fi bilisummaa ummataa qabsaawootan ganama karoorfame irratti deebisanii ijaarudhaaf qaamota ABO J/Dhugaasaa Bakakkoo fi J/Kamaal Galchuun hogganaman gidduutti mareen geggeefamaa ture walhubannoo ol’aanaa irra akka ga’e ummata keenyaa fi qabsaa’ota Oromoof yeroo labsinu gammachuu fi qabsoo hadhaawaa nu eeggatuuf wareegama barbaachisuu kafaluuf akkuma kaleessaa hardhas qophaawoo ta’udhaani. ABO dhinsuuf humneessuun qaamota maqaa ABOn socho’an hunda kan hammatu osoo ta’ee waan filatamuuf yaaliin hunda waliti fiduu itti fufa. Hojiin nu afatu wal-hubanno kana irratti irkachudhaan gara tokkummaa keenya dhugoomsuuti deemuu ta’a. Kunis yeroo gabaaba keessatti milkiin ni baha jennee abdanna.
– Full Press Release, read either:

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Walgahii "What is Next for Oromo?" jedhu kan OACCn yaamame irratti Haasaa ABOn dhihaate

(Bitootessa 13, 2010, MPLS, MN)
"Addunyaan yeroo kamillee – yoo dirqame malee - salphaatti gaaffii mirgaa keessummeessee hin beeku. Kan isaan seenaa irraa barachuu qaban, addunyaan gaaffii saba akeeka ifaa jalatti ijaaramaee sagalee tokkoon dubbatee, falmate, keessummeessuun isaa kan hin oolle ta’u dha. Kan addunyaan gaaffi saba tokkoo keessummeessuuf, sababa sabin sun mirga jedhame kana qabaateef osoo hin taane sababa sabichi jabaatee falmateefi. Osoo sabichi jaaramee, hidhatee, jaabaatee hin falmatin akkeeka falmatamuuf akka gufuutti dhiheessuun addunyaan akka itti hojjetu hubachuu dhabuu dha (b) Akeeka qabsoo saba tokkof madaalli inni duraa alagaan ni deggera fi hin deggeruu ykn ni jaalataa fi ni jibbaa osoo hin taane, rakkoo fi gaaffii ummattichaaf furmaata ni tahaa fi hin ta’uu dha. Dura akeeka lafa kaayyatanii isaaf tumsa horachuuf hojjechuu feesisa malee akeeka ofii yeroo-yeroon akka addunyaan ni fudhata jedhanii yaadanitti jijjiiraa ooluun furmaata hin ta’u. Kun akka gaariitti hubatamuu qaba." Guutuu isaa dubbisaa

Monday, March 15, 2010

Oromia:Umurii koloneefataa dheeresuuf tataafii godhama jiru.

By Qeerransoo Biyyaa*
The Reverend pleaded with Oromo political groups about the dire need for a shift in paradigm in the Oromo national movement. He said because tens of ethnic groups shared long-stretching borders with Oromia, an independent Oromia would be infeasible as that would lead to the demise of Ethiopia as we know it, hampering the security and economic development of future Oromia. Rev. Dr. Gemechis Buba, Oromo Evangelical Churches

Top – from left to right: Dr. Fido Ebba, OLF; Dr. Merara Gudina, OPC and Medrek; Obbo Abduljalil Abdella, OLF; Dr. Ezekiel Gebissa, Kettering University – Assistant Professor.
Bottom – from left to right: Obbo Hassan Hussein, OLF; Rev. Dr. Gemechis Buba, Oromo Evangelical Churches; Obbo Abrahim Abaye, OLF; Dr. Asafa Jalata, University of Tennessee – Associate Professor. more.