Thursday, April 30, 2009

Faara Murnoota Malbulchaa Oromoo gidduutt Waligaltee Uumuu

* Faara Murnoota Malbulchaa Oromoo gidduutt Waligaltee Uumuu

Sochiin bilisummaa Oromoo akkitt gargar babanka’uutt ka’e nama sammun sirritt yaaduuf qayyabamuu hin dandahu. Kanneen gargar bahan keessaa tarsimoo dhaaba haadhoo itt baheen adda tahe kan fudhatee as bahe hin turre. Yoo guddate tokko tokko tooftaa jedhanii kan hedduun tarsimo bu’uura tuqa jedhame more

* Trends towards creating understanding among Oromo Political Groups

No normal thinking person could understand how Oromo liberation movement started to fall apart. None of the splinter groups had come out with strategy different from the mother organization they broke away from. At most some had sponsored tactics that most thought undermined the basic more
* Demokrasii America hin hubatamin hafe

Akka badii Oromoott keessummummaa Amerikaan basha’ee sodaa fi doorsisa malee waggaa dheeraan jiraadhe. Abjuun kiyya yeroo hundaa ofiin bulummaa biyya tiyyaa, Oromiyaa fi nagaa fi tasgabii olloota seeti. Sadaasi 8, 2008 abdii koo kana caalaatt jabeesse. Seenaa addunyaa Ammayyaa keessatt mallatoo kan tahu. Guyyichi guyyaa namoota sanyii, amantee fi gita jireenya hunda afaan bansiise more

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