Tuesday, December 01, 2009

6 High Ranking Officers Defected

Reports reaching the Ogaden Online service desk confirm the defection of 6 high ranking military officers. It is reported that the recent ONLA commando attacks may have played a role in the defection of these high ranking officers. It is reported that all six officers who were based in military garrison in and around Addis Ababa were scheduled to be deployed in Ogaden.

File Photo/@ Ogaden Online The names and the ranks of the officers who defected are as follows. The spelling of the names may be incorrect:

1. Colonel Tadhase.
2. Captain Abraha.
3. Captain Haylo.
4. Second Lieutentant Da’ud.
5. Second Lieutenant Gabre.
6. Second Lieutenant Yohanas.

Aside from the defections, reliable sources indicate that there is an increased infighting within the Woyane militias following the spectacular losses in the hands of the ONLA commandoes in the many parts of Ogaden.
Ogaden Online

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