Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Oromo and Greek based Democracies/Demokrasota Oromoo fi Greekii irratt bu’uurfaman

Some cardinal points of Gadaa system

  1. Gadaa is equal: There should be no one to be denied passing through Gadaa process, elect and be elected when ones turn comes. There should not be partiality or discrimination in services and protections Gadaa provides. Every member has the right to directly or through elected representative be heard in all affairs that affect people’s life; to be equally treated in matters of administration of justice. No one is above the law. No one may be prohibited to attend Gadaa deliberations.
  2. Odaa is equal: Odaa is a national symbol for people’s government, demokratia. It represents freedom of speech and expression, freedom of assembly, equality of all participants that meet there, freedom of worship, peace and araaraa (reconciliation) and liberty to rest for persons and animals under its shade without worry of being disturbed.
  3. Malkaa is equal: Ford or river crossing (confluence) is open to all for crossing; perform rituals; using water for drinking, washing etc for humans and animals. No one for any one reason can bar any one from using it. Malkaa is a symbol of transiting from status quo to something new.
  4. Market is equal: every one has equal rights to take ones produce to the market and exchange with goods and services that it provides. Every one is free to participate in such exchanges and any trade of ones liking that the market provides
  5. Road is equal: every one is entitled to the right of way; no one can be denied an access from his home to outer world or restricted from using of existing roads like all others; there will not be restriction to the right of travel; no one has the right to close an existing road for own more

Demokrasota Oromoo fi Greekii irratt bu’uurfaman

Barruun kun kanneen akkatt demokrasiin hawaasa ilmaan namaa keessatt misaa dufe baruufi carraa hin arganneef. Demookraasiin akaakuu mootummootaa keessa tokkicha fedha ummatoota irratt hundawe jedhama. Mootummooti akaakuu bira akka, “monarchy yk aristocracy, dictatorship yk autocracy fi totalitarian” jedhamanis jiru. Tokkoo kan biraa waliin miira walitt galu qabachuu ni danda’a. Waa’ee isa kamiiyyuu haa dubbannu tokkoo keessatt eegaleen kan bira argamuu more

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