Sunday, July 13, 2008

Working hard to make us Amhara

"DR Fikre Tolosa is working hard to make us amhara. he is using derogatory word in his writing. bye the way. who the he is?
p.s read his junk study

I will try to be as brief as I can to respond to your queries about the origins of the words, "Oromo" and "Galla", and why and when the latter one began to invoke a negative connotation, because, the answer involves detail, even though the question seems simple.

As I mentioned in my Note on the origin of the Amara and Oromo, both the Amara and Oromo descend from one father- the prophet Deshet, who lived in Gojam. He had four sons: Maji, Jimma, Mendi and Medebay. Maji begat Mara (Amara). There is a place called in Ethiopia at present commemorating maji. He and his descendants being wise in the days of yore, they were sought after in Egypt and elsewhere. The word "magic" comes from them, and connotes wisdom. Medebay became the father of the Oromo. Before they were named Oromo, they used to be called, "Medebay", after their father. Before they became pastoralists, they had been priests for centuries, in the order of Melchizedek, their great ancestor, known in the Bible as King of Salem and the high priest of the Most High God to whom Abraham and many kings bowed in reverence and sought his blessings.

Medebay and his children inherited from Ethiop, the son of Melchizedek, whose name Ethiopia bears, priesthood and kinship. For this reason, The Medebay who were named "Oromo" and "Galla" later on, continued to be priests interpreting and teaching the divine, historical and astronomical books composed in the Suba language, that were passed on to them by Melchizedek and Ethiop up until the time of Menelik the I, who destroyed their books, their lanugage, the Suba language, which was the language of both the Amara and Oromo up to this time, as well as many of their wise men.

Why did the young Menelik I, do that? Two reasons. One of the reasons needs a long explanation. I will not go into that. I will give the shorter one. Menelik left Ethiopia for Israel when he was 14 years and stayed there for three years with his father, The Wise King Solomon, learning the ways of the his father's people including the abc of their religion. When he returned to Ethiopia at 17, he was a zealot and advocate of Judaism. He set out to destroy the old religion of Ethiopia which had descended from Melchezedek and Ethiop; the very religion which trained Moses for 40 years in Median with Ethiopian high priest of God, Jethro, his father-in-law, who was the descendant of Melchizedek and Ethiop, before Moses was converted and long before he received the Ten Commandments, which became the foundations of Judaism. Are you still with me Joe?

So, this young zealot called Menelik, who looked down upon the religion and culture of his mother, Queen sheba, favored that of his father, King Solomon, and set out to replace the priesthood of Melchizedek (the very priesthood order Jesus will inherit during His millennial rule on Earth, according to the yet to be fulfilled prophecy of the Bible), with Judaism. So, he destroyed the Medebay priests and their precious books. He duplicated the replicas of the Tabot (the tablets of the Ten Commandments) built temples and elevated and appointed some of the Jews and Israelites from Gaaza (there were 40, 000 of them with him) to priesthood and kingship.

The surviving Medebay began to hide their books and themselves. It is said that one influential Medebay priest and philosopher didn't know where to hide his books. So, he fed them to his cattle. Much later on, after Mekenlik had left the region, we are told, he killed some his animals to look for the parchments. In the meat of the animals his children found some letters which they tried to decipher so that it was said that the history of the Medebay people was written in the meat of animals. This tradition went on for generations. The fact that the Medebay were trying to decipher the knowledge that what was written on meat (actually the fat of the meet called 'Mora') gave them two names in Suba, their old language- "galla" meaning , "to decipher knowledgeably" and "Oromo" , meaning, wise, "decipherer of what is concealed in meat and the heart of man". This was about 2900 years ago. It was a compliment then to be called Galla and Ormomo, since it these words were adjectives for wise men and philosophers who revealed to laymen hidden secrets. Unfortunately, this knowledge later was transformed into magic and witchcraft.

To answer your last question, dear Joe, the Oromo and Galla, who were converted to Judaism, intermarried and intermingled with members of the Solomonic Dynasty as early as 2,900 years ago and became administrators, kings, queens and even emperors and empresses. For instance, the so-called Amara Emperor Yekuno-amlak, the restorer of the Solomonic Dynasty after it had been restored by the Zagwe Dynasty for a few hundred years, was an Oromo on his mother side. He was the son Gifti Mendiya, who was the daughter of Chala, an Oromo. The Oromo were then highly revered until the rise of Ahmed Gragn.

When Ahmed Gragn invaded his own country enticed by and to serve mainly the needs of the Turks and Arabs, the historical, archenemies of Ethiopia, in the 16 Century, during the reign of Aste Libene-degil, at the Battle of Shinera Qure (Adama), a few Oromo kings of Shoa, sided with Ahmed Gragn because he allured them with gifts. They were: Aba Gucha, Aba Wossen Tuluma, Aba Kurto, Aba Merzo and Aba Bula. The Emperor defeated and killed them later on. Ever since then, the Oromo and Galla became synonymous with treason, paganism and untrustworthiness; connoting absence moral qualities. This was passed on to our time. Dear, Joe, this is it in a nutshell. It was tiresome to write you this note. However, it will benefit you and other readers, be it.

I have attached for you copy of a letter which an Egyptologist wrote after he read my "A Brief Note On The Origin of The Amara and Oromo" on another web site. This Egyptologist who probably reads the hieroglyphics, confirms that my assertion is evidenced by writings on the pyramids and other Egyptian sources. I am as excited as he is by our complimentary assertions.
I am too tired to edit this note to you, dear Joe. Therefore, I will send it as it is, without any corrections.

Good night.

Fikre Tolossa

PS: Joe, after I read the letter of Ato Legesse' the Egyptologist, who confirmed that my assertions were right, I asked him whether he could read the hieroglyphs and he sent me the following as I was preparing to attach his previous letter to the editor of the web site that had posted my note. Yes he can read the hieroglyphs, which is similar to Suba, the lost language of Ethiopia, the one that was destroyed by Emperor Menilik the I. This is exciting! Please check everything out.

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