Saturday, July 18, 2009

Oromo’s End Goal (KAAYYOO) is Sovereign State of Oromia in a United State of Africa

By Fayyis Oromia
can be reached at
The modern and enlightened elites of Amharas, Tigarus, Ogadenis, Afars, Gurages, Welayitas, Hadiyas, Kambatas, Kafas, Sidamas, Oromos, Gambellas, Benishanguls, and so on can come together and transform the status quo of the empire through building United States of Ethiopia as a very good base for the United States of Africa.

When we want to look at Oromo’s history, we just need to consider and ask the question: “who wrote it?”. Is it the Abesha elites who used to tell us that we came out of River? Is it some Oromo nationalists who tell us that we are from Mada Walabu and we have been colonized by Abyssinians? Is it some “modern” historians like Prof. Shamsadin who do write that we are related to Meroe of north Sudan, and the name Ethiopia actually belongs to Oromos, not to Abeshas? and so on. Did Oromos “migrate” from south towards north or were we pushed from north (Meroe) towards south? I personally would like to leave history to historians.

But, I am not too naive not to recognize that we Oromos were and are the indigenous people in the Horn of Africa, and we were pushed by christian Europeans and Muslim Arabs as well Turks from different directions and squeezed to our present national area. Additionally, we, being originally Waaqeffataas, tried to resist the BIG religions, and we preserved ourselves as Oromos in our current geographical region. Let me raise certain questions: are the Christianized and Semetized Amharas and Tigarus biological Oromos or are they other Cushitic nations like Agew? Are the Islamized i.e Arabanized Afars and Somalis also biological Oromos? I do ask these questions for there are certain historians who do consider Oromo as a stem for almost all other Cushitic nations in the more.

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