Sunday, May 23, 2010

Somaliland-Ethiopia border clash 'kills 13'

Page last updated at 7:52 GMT, Saturday, 22 May 2010 8:52 UK
At least 13 people have died in a clash between Somalis and Ethiopian forces who had crossed the border, village elders told the BBC.

Elders said three Ethiopian soldiers and at least 10 residents of Buhoodle district in Somaliland were killed in a shoot-out after a dispute at a checkpoint.

Residents say Ethiopia troops regularly cross into southern and central Somalia and fight Islamists controlling their towns, according to Reuters news agency.

But it is believed to be the first time that they have sought to do this in the semi-autonomous region of Somaliland, which is generally seen as more stable than Somalia. read more

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ethiopia rebels say capture base, kill 94 soldiers

AngolaPress - ‎5 minutes ago‎
Addis Abeba - An Ethiopian rebel group said on Tuesday it had captured an army base and killed 94 soldiers, five days before national elections the government has warned rebel groups may try to disrupt.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

ONLF Commandos freed 50 Civilian detainees

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ONLF special forces/ @ Ogaden Today

ONLF special forces/ @ Ogaden Today

Special Forces from the 'Gorgor(Eagle)' unit of the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) Liberation Army captured 'Malqaqa', a strategic garrison that was part of the Ethiopian regime’s defence infrastructure along the road between Jigjiga and Harar. The operation resulted in the capture of 192 light and heavy machines guns and large amount of ammunition.

The Ethiopian regimes forces lost 94 soldiers and the casualties of the ONLF were minimal given that our forces had the advantage of the element of surprise.

50 civilian detainees including women and children were set free by our forces at the conclusion of the operation. Fourteen of the detainees were found tied to posts with wires by the regimes troops when our forces entered the garrison. The wires had damaged their limbs and those civilians were removed by our troops on stretchers and are currently receiving medical attention.

The Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) has stepped up its operations against the Ethiopian regimes army, which has been forced to be on the defensive after heavy losses in the battle field recently.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Two OPDO killed in grenade attack

Independent Online
By Barry Malone

Addis Ababa - Three men threw a hand grenade into a political meeting in Ethiopia, killing two and injuring fourteen just over two weeks before national elections, a government spokesman said on Saturday.

The attack on a gathering of the Oromo Peoples' Democratic Organisation (OPDO) happened on Thursday in the Oromia region, home to Ethiopia's most populous ethnic group, the Oromo, who number 27 million out of 80 million people.

"It was an attempt to assassinate the region's deputy president, Abdulaziz Mohammed, but he was unhurt. The suspects have been arrested," government spokesman Shimeles Kemal told Reuters. The OPDO is part of the country's ruling more

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Heavily armed Merille Militia from Ethiopia have invaded Turkana

Written By:KNA , Posted: Tue, May 04, 2010

Heavily armed Merille Militia from Ethiopia have invaded the fish rich Dogonyang belt displacing over 200 Turkana fishermen along lake Turkana.

Following the displacement, fish harvesting on the lake has gone down.

Turkana district fisheries officer Jared Agano said the conflict had adversely affected fishing activities along the lake pointing out that Dodonyang which is a key fishing ground has been traditionally yielding high fish products over the years.

Turkana fishermen who have since fled to safer fishing grounds of Lowarengak and Kataboi expressed concern that the insecurity caused by the Merille gunmen had affected the economic activities along the lake.

They said the intruders with canoes and motorboats have been attacking fishermen in the region before fleeing back to Ethiopia.

Turkana north DC Jack Obuo is leading a powerful delegation for negotiations that will ensure eventual withdrawal of armed Merille gangs on the lake.

The meeting scheduled to take place in Kibish will among other issues discuss the rising insecurity along the Ethiopia- Kenya border where local pastoralists have engaged each other in bloody conflicts.

Last year a senior GSU officer was killed at Dodonyang by suspected Merille gunmen after they attacked a GSU camp.

Residents have appealed to the government to deploy Kenya navy personnel to secure the Kenyan territory by patrolling the lake to scare away armed foreigners.

(KBC)Kenya Broadcasting Coporation

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Oromo Action Plan for the Liberation of Oromia and the Destruction of Abyssinia (Fake Ethiopia)

The present article is not an original, new text; it consists in the merge of eight articles first published in 2008. The text has been slightly modified, edited and updated. As the series was not completed, I will further expand in forthcoming articles in order to extensively describe the types of actions needed to be undertaken by independent average Oromos in view of the liberation of Oromia and the ultimate destruction of the monstrous colonial tyranny of Abyssinia, the world’s most racist and inhuman state. The present article consists of 21 units, as per below:

1. The Search for Oromo Leadership
2. A New Oromo Leadership: A Global First
3. Weaknesses of the Traditional Political Leadership
4. Identification of the Oromo Nation in 2010
5. Who is the enemy of the Oromos?
6. Local – Regional-level Foes
7. Authentic Oromos and Fabricated Amharas; the Total Opposition
8. Direct and Indirect Colonialism
9. Differentiation among Colonial Rulers
10. Anglo - French Colonial Establishment: Arch-enemy of the Oromo Nation
11. Millions of Oromo Leaders Organized in Independent Groups
12. Present Oromo "Leaderships" and their Inertia
13. Key Figures to Be Considered by All the Oromos
14. Biyya Oromo Independent – Whose Work Is It?
15. Groups of Oromo Liberation Activity – GOLA
16. Ground work
17. GOLA Security – Impenetrability
18. GOLA – Commitment
19. GOLA – Function
20. Basic Directions for GOLA Projects and Endeavours
21. Collection of Information Pertaining to the Oromo Nation more

Sunday, May 02, 2010 Qabsoo Bilisummaa Oromoo Keessatti, Qabsoon Hidhannoo Hammam Abdachiisaa Dha?

Abdii Boruutiin*

Seenaa biyyoota gara garaa kan gabrummaa jala turani fi bilisummaa argatan yoo ilaalle, qabsoo bilisummaa isaanii keessatti qabsoon hidhannoo bakka guddaa akka qabaate arguu dandeenya. Kun gabaabumatti wareegamaan malee bilisummaan uummata ykn saba tokkoo kadhaa dhaan akka hin argamne agarsiisa. Kan humnaan bilisummaa namarraa fudhate, humnumaan injifatama malee, yoo humni duuba hin jiraanne karaa nagaatiin diploomasii dhaan diina wajjin waliigalanii bilisummaa deebisanii argachuun waan hin danda’amnee dha. Karaa kanaan kan danda’amu illee yoo ta’e, biyyoota diingadee fi teeknoolojii dhaan guddatan, biyyoota diimookraasiin keessa jiru keessati malee keessumaayuu biyyoota akka Afrikaa keessatti waan danda’amu natti hin fakkaatu.

Seenaa saba Oromoos yoo ilaalle, erga gabrummaa Habashaa jalatti kufee kaasee uummanni keenya bilisummaa fi abbaabiyummaa dhabe deebisee argachuu dhaaf xinnaatus baay’atus qabsoo hidhannoo otuu hin godhin hafee hin beeku. Bu’aaleen har’a argaman illee kan qabsoo hidhannoorraa maddanii dha. ABOn illee otuu qabsoo hidhannoo cimsuu baatee, jijjiiramni bara 1991 argame hin danda’amu ture. Kanaaf, qabsoo bilisummaa keessatti karaa hidhannootiin qabsoo jabeessuun murteessaa dha. Diina keenyas kan sodaachifnu fi injifannoos irratti agarsiisuu dandeenyu, kan waabii ta’u, qabsoo hidhannootiin qofaa dha. Diinni keenyas waan kana beekuuf, jaarmayoota bilisa baasota keenyarratti keessumaayuu ABOrratti xiyyeeffata. Kana illee sababa godhee namoota nagaa, hidhaa, dararaa, ajjeesaa, biyyarraa baqachiisaa fi balleessa ragaa amansiisaa hin qabneen hidhaa bara dheeraa fi du’a irratti murteessaa jira.

Dhaaba siyaasaa ykn jaarmayaas yoo ta’e, jaarmayaa bilisa baasaan qabsoo hidhannoo hin qabne ykn hin gaggeessine jabeenya qabaachuu hin danda’u. Kan isa jabeessus ta’ee kan isa laaffisu, kan inni ittiin madaalamu akkaataa qabsoo hidhannoo inni ittiin gaggeessuu dha jechuu ni danda’ama. Yoon akkana jedhu maal jechuu kooti? Jaarmayaan bilisa baasaan tokko qabsoo hidhannoo cimaa kan gaggeessu fi humna waraana bilisa baasaa cimaa kan qabu yoo ta’e, jabeenyi isaas akkasuma mul’achuu danda’a. Qabsoon hidhannoo inni gaggeessu laafaa yoo ta’e fi humna waraanaa cimaa yoo hin qabaanne, humni jaarmayaa akkanaa akkasuma waan laafuuf, uummata illee of duuba hiriirsuun ulfaataa ta’uu danda’a. Yoo kun hin taane ammoo injifannoo agarsiisuun hin danda’amu; bilisummaanis achi fagaachaa deema jechuu dha....guutuu isaa dubbisuuf

Kaayyoon Oromoo Bilisummaa fi Abbaabiyyummaa Dhabe Deebisee Argachuuf Malee, kan Argate Sanaa Deebisee Dhabuu Miti

Abdii Boruutiin*

Oromoorraa dhaladheef otuu hin taaane, wanti dhugaa ta’e fi ibsuu barbaadu, uummanni keenya (Oromoon) dhalootaan ykn uumaa dhaan daba waan beeku natti hin fakkaatu. Ormaa laachuu fi obaasuu; dhimma ofii dura dhimma ormaatiif dursa kennuu; waayee ofii caalaa waayee ormaatiif of miidhuu; daangaa ofiitiif caalaa daangaa ormaatiif wareegamuu; dhimma ormaatiif lubbuu ofii dhabuu fi kkf. amaloota Oromoo waan ta’aniif, waayee kanatti fayyadamanii, uummata keenya gowwoomsanii, addaan hiranii nu bitaa turan, amma illee itti jiru, borus yoo carraa argatan akkasumatti itti fufuu barbaadu. Kanaaf, diinni keenya Afaan isaaniitiin jecha “yawwaah” jedhu illee nuuf moggaasu.

Gabrummaa bar-dhibbee tokko fi wal’akkaa dhaa ol keessa jirru kana keessatti wanti uummanni keenya gabroonfataa irraa barate yoo jiraate, daba, wal tuffachuu, wal inaafuu, of guddisuu fi of tuuluu, anatu caalaa beeka jechuu, of jajuu fi kkf dha. Isaan kanatu aadaa keenyarratti dhiibbaa godhaa ture, amma illee itti jiru. Isaan kanatu amala keenya jijjiire. Amalli akkanaa ammoo qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo (QBO) keessatti gufuu tokko ta’ee argama.

Biyyi keenya Oromiyaan akka teessuma isaatti (geographically) handhuura impaayaricha kanaa ti. Saboota fi biyyoota baay’ee dhaan marfamee jira. Kuni ammoo bittaa ykn gabrummaa Habashaa wajjin waa baay’ee nutti fide. Fakkeenya tokko tokko kaasuu dhaaf, sababa kanaan Oromoon saboota biroo wajjin fuudhaa fi heerumsaan akkasumas amantii dhaan walitti makamuu danda’e. Isaan kun ammoo sababoota qabsoo bilisummaa keenyaatti gufuu ta’an keessaa isaan gurguddoo dha. Akkamitti gufuu ta’uu danda’u? Oromoonni tokko tokko kan abbaan ykn haati isaanii saba (uummata) biroo ta’an, dhaloonni isaanii wal’akkaa (half) waan ta’uuf, Oromummaa dhaan boonuurra Itiyoophiyummaa filatu. Dhaloota wal’akkaa yoon jedhu abba fi haati isaanii waan gara gara ta’aniif jechuu kooti.

Karaa biraatiin ammoo amantiin, saba Oromoo keessatti, gahee guddaa taphachaa ture ammas jira. Akkuman kanaan duras barruu kiyya tokko keessatti ibsuu yaale, fakkeenyaaf, amantiin ortodooksii kristaanaa kan gabrummaa Habashaa wajjin dhufe fi kana keessatti illee gahee guddaa taphachaa ture fi jiru, aadaa keenyarratti dhiibbaa guddaa waan godhaa tureef, Oromoonni tokko tokko akka eenyummaa ofii dagatan taasise. Sababa kanaan kan ka’e, isaanis sabboonummaa fi Oromummaa dhaan boonuu dhiisanii itiyoophiyummaatti amanu. Kanaaf egaa, sababoonni gara garaa kun QBO keessatti gufuu ta’uu danda’u ykn ta’an kanan jedheef....guutuu isaa dubbisuuf