Friday, April 13, 2007

‘Ethiopia’ means Alam-baqqany: The End of Life

Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

A Historian’s perspective over FIO Vice Chairman Aman Kamsare’s interview

A while ago, we published an bi-partite interview with Aman Kedir Kamsare, Vice Chairman of the Front of Independence of Oromia (FIO), a leading political organization representing the oppressed Oromo majority of Abyssinia.

FIO fights for freedom, independence of Oromia, and traditional African Gadaa democratic system, and along with other liberations fronts, political parties, cultural associations, and organizations represents the best guarantee for a Free, Tolerant, Democratic Horn of Africa in the years ahead.

Far from its political ramifications, and beyond the extensive electronic coverage and republication that this interview has got, it is still a vakuable stuff for historical commentary and historico-sociological analysis that can better illuminate Western understanding and empathy for the Noble Cause of the long tyrannized Oromos.

Derogatory terms as testimony of Racist Discrimination

In the first part of his interview (published under the title ’Oromo Leader Aman Kamsare lambastes Abyssinian tyrant Meles Zenawi’, 18 March 2007,

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