Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Somalia’s Islamists to invite international Islamists in the country

Aweys Osman Yusuf
Mogadishu 28, Nov.06 ( Sh.M.Network)
– A huge rally organized by Somalia’s Union of Islamic Courts has taken place in Mogadishu, the Somali capital, where several hundreds of people have assembled to demonstrate against Ethiopian military intervention.

The demonstration has taken place at “21 October Square” known as Tarebunka where rally makers were chanting anti-Ethiopian and American slogans.

Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed, the Islamic Courts executive council leader and Sheik Yusuf Mohammed Siyad Indho-Adde, the Courts’ senior security officer, were the senior Islamists who delivered speeches at the rally, telling the rally makers that time of war with Ethiopia has come.

Speaking at the rally, Sheik Yusuf Indho-Adde reiterated that Union of Islamic Courts would invite foreign Islamists to Somalia, if they have to, to fight with Ethiopian troops in the country.
“If a war begins, we will ask international Islamists (Jihadists) to come to our country to take part in jihad (holy war) with the enemy once the arms embargo on Somalia is lifted”, he said.

The Islamic Courts head for education department, Fuad Mohammed Khalf, who also spoke at the rally, said schools and universities would be closed down if a war between the Ethiopia and Islamists started. “Hospitals, media and business places will only be allowed to open”, he said, adding that students are required to participate in the jihad.

Fears of war have escalated after the Ethiopian government revealed it had completed preparation for war with Somalia’s Islamists by deploying larger numbers of fresh Ethiopian troops in the country.

Islamists have massed their fighters near the Ethiopian border where both troops are facing off.

Somalia’s Islamists seized most central and southern of the country, including the capital Mogadishu where they defeated warlords after fatal battles in which nearly thousand people lost their lives.

Islamists have accused the United States government of intending to approve a lift of the arms embargo on Somalia, alleging that if the sanction were lifted, a war, which will be regional, would start in Somalia.

Shabelle Media Network Somalia
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